Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today, a fellow blogger signed off saying, “its better we stick sharing our creativity, chatting isn’t a great idea, take care and hope you go on with your blog very well.”

What preceded it is a long story… I’m not surprised or shocked. I might have expected it at some level.

Meeting poets I am disconcerted sometimes
Best to meet in poems:
Cool speckled shells
In which one hears
A sad but distant sea.
(Eunice de Souza)


Sir Charlemagne said...

At least put a name to the post... Don't punish me that hard. :(

Sir Charlemagne said...

check out new look to my blog... hope its not feverish anymore... but be careful its HOT! ;)

Deepika said...

well, don't they say, that to name is to destroy and to suggest is to create!


Sir Charlemagne said...

who says I don't say.... ;)

Deepika said...

oh well, that's coz you never belonged to "they"!

Sir Charlemagne said...

Can I belongin' to they
When you care enough to say,
the hurt in your heart beat
I want to be the one who can take away.
I don't want to be they
but my lovely
I care only one
the one to wait on your way.