Now speaking of love, i wonder why people tag it as ' confusing, complex, difficult', and etc etc. And not to mention the over cliched," an ocean of tears". Come on, Grow up!! all of you guys who say these things. How can we afford to traduce the only simplest thing on planet earth. dont start calling me a hypocrite coz in one of my posts i too did label love as a weasel-word, and confusing.......but thoughts change.......and i guess, i have now pole-vaulted to a logical conclusion as to why people tag it that way.
To start with, i dont think there can ever be anything wrong with the way people feel about each other. Believe!! me guys but our feelings never go wrong. How can a feeling that has ripened in the heart, a feeling that's beautiful in all aspects, pure, and sacred go wrong?? I think what goes wrong, is our response to that feeling. In most cases we do not acknowledge our own feelings. Even if we acknowledge, we fail to act on them. And after a sane stroke of fate when we finally decide to act.......we realise that its too late.......and the audience has left, thinking the show to be over. We never allow LOVE a chance, to give us a fairytale, right in the middle of an ordinary life.
Most people call it confusing, i guess becoz of the timing at which Cupid decides to pierce hearts. Imagine yourself falling in love, just before your engineering or medical entrance exams. Feels like shit!!, especially when your concentration, awareness, and conciousness go on a vacation. You end up screwing up your exam and collapse into an abyss of a wounded feeling. Now love is not a thing that happens when one is prepared for it. You cant prevent what you cant predict. Since it happens in the most inappropriate of times, we usually end up blaming it, not realising that its only our own ineptitude thats responsible for the things around us.
Its really strange that we remember things "just too late". Why is it that we remember the good stories that we could have told only after we bid "good-bye", to the one we love. So before time slips from your hands just grab hold the hand of your loved one and never let that person go from your life. And if you have hurt somebody then waste no time, coz apologies once postponed becomes harder and harder to make, and finally impossible.
We get only one life to live and a short one to cap it. So just say those unsaid words and do those undone things..........coz there's more hunger for love than for bread in this world. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY.
And readers this post doesnt imply that i am in love.
E kaa hui ki dactarni ban gayi kya main, ya Karan Johar ki aatma ghus gayi hai mere andar..........chal nikal kalmuhe!!!
Now Playing:: Rimjhim gire sawan...............Manzil
hey now iam curious to see this little girl who writes soo well!how about a picture dear??
millions are to fall in love after reading your post and thats 4 sure. U write really awesome deepika and u certainly inspire me to write as well. that was a nice gift 4 ur readers on V day.
Dear anon, i dont have a presentable pic of mine n i'll think of putting it on my blog as soon as i get one. But i guess its good to dwell in obscurity in the virtual world. what do you think??
And Karan your comments are really very generous. Feels nice when people appreciate one's mind's puke. thanx a tonne.
hmmmmmm.......nice.........and delicious thoughts on love.Are you planning to write about sex also? dont mind just asking coz you have read nair's satyr of the was an erotic treat for me.
Well Mr.Anonymous, thanx 4 dropping your most pious comments, but lemme tell u something that i do not plan my posts. So at this moment i am really sorry 4 not entertaining you with my thoughts on sex.
And by the way i am so sure about your gender coz i dnt think any girl would ever care to know what another girl thinks about sex!!!
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