Friday, May 2, 2008

The Boy Next Door

Place:: Grandma's house

Date:: 01-05-08

Time:: 11:15 p.m

I had been staring at the blank paper for quite sometime, trying to write my one-act play. The ideas kept streaming in, but the inspiration still refusing to strike, left me the paper, the floor, and all other parts of the Universe within the focal point. The pen continued to spin, swing, and dance making imaginary circles and other geometrical figures as contrived by the digits of the hand. I realized, that i had become a slave of the computer................i've almost forgotten the art of putting thoughts on the paper............the five slender digits are barely able to hold the pen for a longer period of time but instead are forever willing to fluff on the keyboard. What a pity!! the art of " writing " is soo out of fashion!!! Well " writing " is out and " typing " is in!!

So there i was then trying to write, and my characters ( in the play ) had just begun their conversation when my auditory senses started picking up a faint sound as if somebody was playing on something. It stopped for sometime and then started all over again. I had to open the window inspite of my grandma's rule of keeping the windows closed at nights. I turned the lights off ( God knows what i was thinking!! ). And as i had expected it was the music that was playing on the laptop of those engineering college dudes living in the neighborhood. Since ours was the first floor it offered unobstructed view of the neighboring ground floor as provided by their open window. Oh! no this isnt going to be yet another open window!!!

.....................and there he was, dressed in a blue color Tee and probably navy blue bermudas ( they appeared black though!! cant say for sure ), working ( i would stick to that word, cant say what exactly was he engaged in ) on the laptop. But i wasnt concentrating on him................i was too busy in labouring my mind to remember the song that was playing and was faintly audible. It appeared to be vaguely familiar..........i was sure i had heard it before..............damn!! i'm too hopeless with these angrezi songs...............and then finally, YESssssss i got was Green Day, singing ' welcome to paradise '. Maybe i'm not that bad after all, but i wished he played ' wake me up when september ends '.................

Well he never played that song but this dude had too much of street style to display. Now you might call me a reprobate, but i always liked watching men who smoke. Probably becoz i had grown up watching an uncle of mine who always amused me n my bro with his smoking skills. He used to take a huge drag and then the smoke came out of his mouth in the form of perfectly shaped rings. He would ask us the number of rings we wanted to see and he would precisely blow that many number. And the fascination remains even till today.

Watching this guy holding a cigarette reminded me of my uncle. But this guy was holding the cigarette like a rogue and i wonder what made him pout while taking a drag. It appeared as if he was bringing his mouth to the cigarette rather than the other way round. Now dont start accusing me of promoting smoking............i hardly harbour such intentions. But if we slice off the health issues just for a second, then the whole smoking thing looks real elegant almost reducing it to an art form. This guy however lacked all the finesse and thoroughly disappointed me.

I know these are strange comments coming from a non-smoker and my connection with smoking is limited only to my uncle who eventually died of cancer and the reason is just so obvious. Well the title hardly matches this post except that the boy next door just served as a medium which reminded me of my " smoky " uncle!! and remember " smoking is injurious to health ", so stop burning your lungs.

Now Playing:: Its raining men.........................Geri Halliwell

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